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Hibernation # 2 – Brown Marmorated Stink Bug

This is the second installment on insects that we can expect to find in our homes and businesses during the winter. This culprit is the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug, Hyalomorpha halys. As the name implies, this is a true stink bug. If mishandled, crushed or annoyed, it...

Hibernation #1 – Kudzu bug

As the days shorten and autumn approaches, it’s the time to start thinking about the insects that select our homes and businesses as their overwintering vacation spots.  The first one I’ll mention is the kudzu bug, Megacopta cribraria, a small, somewhat hemispherical...

Beauty on the Wing 3

   In a few short weeks the Monarch butterfly will begin its annual migration to overwintering sites in Mexico. This is one of our most recognizable species of butterflies with bright orange wings with black veins and white spots along the wing margins. It is similar...

Beauty on the Wing 2 Addendum

About a week after I took the picture of the yellow morph of the Eastern Tiger Swallow-tail butterfly, a dark morph (form) of the female appeared at the butterfly weed growing at my home in Raleigh. Fortunately I was able to get a picture of it. I have had butterfly...

Beauty on the Wing 2

This beauty was visiting the butterfly weed, Asclepias tuberosa in my front yard about 2 weeks ago. It is known as the Eastern Tiger Swallowtail butterfly, Papilio glaucus, and is easily recognized by its large size and bright yellow and black coloration. It ranges...

Giant Leopard Moth

Have you seen this moth?  It is the Giant Leopard Moth, Hypercompe scribonia (Stoll, 1790) and is one of our largest moths with a wingspread ranging from 2¼ inches to slightly over 3½  inches. It belongs to the moth subfamily Arctiinae or Tiger Moths which contains...
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