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Keep Rodents Away!

Keep Rodents Away!

One of the questions we get from customers is: “Can you keep rodents away with DIY methods?”  We asked our resident expert, Dr. Ken Ahlstrom, to investigate top researched DIY methods and report back… DIY Method 1: Cats It’s true! Cats do a...

Ants Around the Home

Ants, ants, and more ants… do you have these pests? You’re certainly in good company! Ants are social insects and usually live in large colonies. Their colonies are made up of 3 types: queen, workers, and reproductives. In North Carolina, we have many...
Carpenter Bees – Friend or Foe?

Carpenter Bees – Friend or Foe?

Do you have bees at your house? Bees play an important role in pollinating the food that we eat, and are an integral part of our environment. In North Carolina, we have several types of pollinators… two of which are honey bees and carpenter bees. Carpenter bees...
Mosquito Warning!

Mosquito Warning!

With the passage of Hurricane Florence and the copious amount of precipitation associated with it, conditions are right for a population explosion of mosquitoes. Anything that can hold water can become a potential site for mosquitoes.  Items such as discarded tires,...
Indian Meal Moth

Indian Meal Moth

Indian Meal Moths are probably the most common food pest found in the homes and grocery stores in the United States and especially North Carolina. The larvae or caterpillars are general feeders and can be found infesting grain products, seeds, dried fruits, crackers,...

The Catalpa Sphinx

The catalpa sphinx is a common hawk moth, but the caterpillar is the stage most often encountered. The caterpillars are commonly called catalpa worms or “catawba” worms and feed on the leaves of catalpa trees, often completely stripping the tree of foliage. Catalpa is...
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