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Orange Striped Oakworm

Get ready! In the next couple of months, we are going to start seeing evidence of the caterpillars of this moth, the orangestriped oakworm.  During mid-June to mid-July, the adults (Figure 1) emerge from their underground pupal cells. Mating occurs during the day and...

Beauty on the Wing

It is known as the Rosy Maple Moth and is a native moth in the same family as the Luna Moth and the Polyphemus Moth (some of the largest moths in North Carolina). As the name implies, the caterpillars mainly feed on maple trees, especially red, silver, and sugar...

Bird Dropping or What?

This morning, May 26, 2015, as I was opening the door to Economy Exterminators in Apex, NC, I noticed what appeared to a load of bird dropping on the back door. Sometime didn’t look right because it didn’t have the flattened appearance of a bird bomb launched on a...

Salvation Army Christmas Cheer Program

In 2014 Economy Exterminators once again teamed with The Salvation Army of Wake County to help raise funds for those most in need. Economy Exterminators is extremely grateful for our community and know without our wonderful customer base we would not be able to give...

Artillery Fungus (Sphaerobolus sp.)

Are you seeing spots before your eyes? Especially on the side of your house, on your car, or on your plants outdoors? (Fig. 1) Often mistaken for scales, these tiny dark spots are coming from a group of fungi known as artillery fungi. Additional names are “cannon” or...

Question About Booklice

Q: I have these tiny bugs that keep showing up in my bathroom. I tried to look on the web for what they are and the closest i can get to what i see are book mites. On the internet they say that to get rid of them i have to keep my bathroom free of standing water....

Interesting Information About Orb-Weaving Spiders

There is nothing more unsettling to one’s well-being than getting smacked in the face with a spider web when hiking through the woods in late summer and early autumn. If you’re alert and the angle of the sunlight is right, you can usually see the web before walking...

Bug News September 2012

You might want to think twice before you try to conquer those bedbugs yourself. The Federal Trade just filed deceptive advertising charges against the marketing departments of two companies that supply bed bug repellents. The companies claim their products could...

Bug News August 2012

The dry weather has a lot of insects out hunting for water and that includes  honeybees and yellow jackets. You may notice signs next to a water fountains at local parks warning people about yellow jackets in the area.  The yellow jackets collect water droplets from...
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